Extra Learning Programs
Most Thursday nights at Midreshet Tehillah there is a Mishmar starting at 11.30pm. Girls gravitate to the Beit Midrash (many drawn by the incredible smell of the cholent which has been simmering all day!) Mishmar is their chance to ‘seriously shteig’ and learn that special late-night Torah bechavruta. Every week, one of the students prepares their own chabura and presents it to the group. By the early hours, the discussions and arguments are flowing – an incredible way to learn Torah and to prepare for Shabbat!
At 9pm on Tuesday, when regular class programming is over, the student get to break up into Vaadim – small workshops of around 7 girls who meet with a teacher in an interactive discussion group to work on very practical Torah life skills. The subjects of the Vaadim develop throughout the year. Examples include: The Power of Music, Choosing Resilience, The Messages of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, Body and Soul: Delving into the Halachot of Daily Life, Understanding the Depth of Shemirat Negiah, Anger Management, Creating a Hashkafah, Rethinking Tzniut, Berachot, Tefillah – Making It Happen. By the spring and summer semester, as the girls are preparing to move on to life after Sem, the Vaadim cover topics like Kibbud Av V’Em, Continuing Active Learning After Sem, Staying Strong in Life After Sem, Preparing Yourself to Think about Marriage.
Open Beit Midrash
On Sunday nights the students at Midreshet Tehillah get the opportunity to launch into their own free-style learning. All of Shana Alef and Shana Bet come together to learn the sefer of their choice in chavrutot. We present the students with various pre-selected options that they may be interested to learn but they can also choose their own text and look into something they have always been interested in. With a team of four teachers in the Beit Midrash to help students when they need guidance or have questions, the Open Beit Midrash helps the girls to gain confidence in their own learning, developing thinking skills that they will carry with them for life. Some of the students also use these sessions to prepare material that they want to present at Mishmar, or to work on articles that they are writing for the MT Torah Journal.
MT Torah Journal
Midreshet Tehillah is very proud to produce a Torah Journal – Derashot Tehillah – at the end of each year containing a broad range of Torah articles written by the talmidot, together with contributions by our faculty. We work closely with the girls who are preparing articles to guide and help them in the process and to encourage them to develop their own creative thinking in Torah.