GREAT MOMENTS 5782 Our Time in Bidud (18 pictures) First Trip to the Kotel (5 pics) Chessed Pantry Packers (8 pics) Book Sale (10 pictures) Jerusalem Outskirts Tiyul (9 pics) Trip to Kever Rachel (2 pics) Pre-Shabbat Pictures (6) Learning at Midreshet Tehillah (16 pictures) Eilat Tiyul (19 pics) Shmitta Tiyul (6 pics) Tsfat Shabbaton (7 pics) Chanuka Chagiga (11 pics) Chanukah Seminar (4 pics) Krav Maga Class (5 pics) Tu BiShvat Seder (4 pics) Bnai Brak Shabbaton (7 pics) Purim Celebrations (11 pics) Masada & Ein Gedi Tiyul (6) Lag B’Omer on Campus (6 pics) Old City Shabbaton (7 pics) North of Israel Tiyul (8 pics) Israel Museum Tour (4 pics) Fun in the Snow (4 pics) Jerusalem Marathon (5 pics) Yad Vashem on Yom HaShoah Yom HaZikaron (3 pics) Yom HaAtzmaut (6 pics) Yom Yerushalayim (4 pics) 20th Anniversary Gala Dinner End of Year Chagiga (5 pics) Click here to view photos from 5783!