
At Midreshet Tehillah we take our Tiyulim as seriously as we do our studies! During our nine months together, we have plenty of time to bond with the Land of Israel and to have lots of fun and adventures while we are at it!

Get Out There and Do It!

Some of the many things we do:

  • We hike the Machtesh in the Southern desert,
  • Hang with the birds in the Hula Valley,
  • Wade through water in the lush Golan,
  • Relax in the beautiful parks of Tel Aviv,
  • Enter an internment camp from the British Mandate,
  • Dance at Meron on Lag B’Omer,
  • Explore the stunning cost of Israel – boating in Acco,  chilling in Caesarea, and climbing the stunning cliffs of Rosh Hanikra,
  • Raft on the waters of the River Jordan,
  • Travel the Negev on the back of a camel,
  • Connect to the magic of Chevron and Ma’arat HaMachpela, 
  • Swim with the fish in the Gulf of Eilat,
  • Tap into the historic and the modern Jewish energy of Gush Etzion,
  • Visit the venue where Israel’s Independence was declared,
  • See where our soldiers sacrificed for our freedom,

And all the while learning to cherish the opportunity of being in Eretz Yisrael, appreciate the sacrifices that made it possible, and feel at home in our home.

Our Tiyulim have numerous themes, from understanding and connecting to the modern state, to making Torah real by walking (with your Tanach in hand) in the places where the stories actually happened, understanding the political and security situation in the country, and seeing the extraordinary beauty that the Creator has packed into our little corner of the planet.

 We take our students on a two day overnight Tiyul to the north, spending time in the Kineret, the Golan, and the Galil. We also take a two day overnight tiyul to Eilat, spending time in the sea and hiking in the Southern Negev. In addition we have approximately seven one-day tiyulim and numerous half-day tiyulim. Together with our off-campus Shabbatonim across Israel, we will take you all over the country to see and experience the diversity of our extraordinary Land.