Beit Midrash Track
Midreshet Tehillah’s Beit Midrash Track runs in parallel with the Tehillah Track, with some overlapping classes and full integration of the students from both tracks. It follows a chavruta-based Beit Midrash format. Most classes (including Night Seder) include significant chavruta time, with teachers on hand to help guide students through texts when needed.
This track is designed for students with good skills who are interested in deriving meaning directly from sources and not only hearing it filtered through a teacher. Though this style of learning covers less material, that is offset by the additional depth and integration of understanding that result from the effort and creativity that are invested in the text. Talmidot will significantly improve their basic reading, translation, and comprehension skills. More importantly, they will learn the skills of independent Torah thinking: how to properly interpret texts in their larger context and develop their own original, high quality Divrei Torah.
Beit Midrash classes take place in the mornings and two evenings each week. For the remainder of the academic program, and for all tiyulim and activities, the Beit Midrash and Tehillah Track program is fully integrated and the students from both tracks participate together.
Click here to download the Beit Midrash Track schedule for 5784
Click the video image below to visit the Midreshet Tehillah Beit Midrash!